Yes my posts may not be the most up-to-date fashion news or latest trends, but what it does do is act as visual collection, I'm precise about which images I use, and although I may not realise why I've chosen a certain image, I can usually work backwards.
The main reason for doing fashion at university for me, is to learn about the fashion world so nearly everything I hear or see is something new. I had the choice between art and fashion, I would have loved to be an art student with your own personal workspace, materials, paint sculptures whatever you want to do. But that isn't practical. I want to learn about something that I've always been interested in, I've just not necessarily noticed it.
This post features a selection of photos by Rankin styled by Alex Box. I feel ignorant in not knowing who Alex was, I've been a massive fan of her work but never realised it. I looked at one of my style magazines and fell in love with the front cover of course it was Alex's work and it's weird when you read a magazine and you notice names that previously you would have ignored completely.
If blog posts ever inspire you it's now.
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